Release of PTs & UPTs of SSA from Directorate
1. Release of 52 PTs to their original places of posting 2. 91 PTs who shall continue to utilise at the present places of utilisation 3. 14 UPTs who shall…
1. Release of 52 PTs to their original places of posting 2. 91 PTs who shall continue to utilise at the present places of utilisation 3. 14 UPTs who shall…
1. Release of 52 PTs to their original places of posting 2. 91 PTs who shall continue to utilise at the present places of utilisation 3. 14 UPTs who shall…
Download Here for details regarding the corrigendum in respect of Teachers Science Congress
Download List of 25 Sc. Graduate teachers for state Level Teachers' Science Congress to be held from 27 to 30 Jan 2016 Download List of 25 Sc. Graduate teachers for…
Download Here for more details of the Order
5 Day Workshop on Capacity Building of State Officials