ORDERS regarding the appointment of Primary Teachers, Hindi Primary Teachers & Hindi Graduate Teachers. 1. Appointment Orders 2. Posting Orders Continue ReadingORDERS regarding the appointment of Primary Teachers, Hindi Primary Teachers & Hindi Graduate Teachers.
ORDERS regarding the appointment of Primary Teachers, Hindi Primary Teachers & Hindi Graduate Teachers. 1. Appointment Orders 2. Posting Orders Continue ReadingORDERS regarding the appointment of Primary Teachers, Hindi Primary Teachers & Hindi Graduate Teachers.
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Orders Regarding the Appointment of 8(eight) Graduate Teachers (Science/ Arts). O R D E R S Continue ReadingOrders Regarding the Appointment of 8(eight) Graduate Teachers (Science/ Arts).
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Transfer and Posting of Teaching/ Non-Teaching on 8th July, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teaching/ Non-Teaching on 8th July, 2011.
Transfer and Posting of Teacher on 27th July, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teacher on 27th July, 2011.