Tentative inter-se-seniority list of Matriculate, Matriculate trained and Undergraduate/ Primary Teachers who were appointed on and after 21/12/1981 upto the year 30/09/2003. DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION Continue ReadingTentative inter-se-seniority list of Matriculate, Matriculate trained and Undergraduate/ Primary Teachers who were appointed on and after 21/12/1981 upto the year 30/09/2003.
Orders regarding the Utilization of Graduate Teachers as Lecturers in the Hr. Sec. Schools. DOWNLOAD ORDERS Continue ReadingOrders regarding the Utilization of Graduate Teachers as Lecturers in the Hr. Sec. Schools.
Tentative Seniority List of Head Masters of High Schools/Deputy Inspector. DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION Continue ReadingTentative Seniority List of Head Masters of High Schools/Deputy Inspector.
Sub-allocation of Cooking Cost for both Primary & Upper Primary (3rd & 4th quarters 2011-12). DOWNLOAD OFFICE MEMORANDUM Continue ReadingSub-allocation of Cooking Cost for both Primary & Upper Primary (3rd & 4th quarters 2011-12).
Sub-allocation of Cooking Cost for both Primary & Upper Primary (3rd & 4th quarters 2011-12). DOWNLOAD OFFICE MEMORANDUM Continue ReadingSub-allocation of Cooking Cost for both Primary & Upper Primary (3rd & 4th quarters 2011-12).
INSPIRE Awardees for the year 2011-12. DOWNLOAD INSPIRE AWARDEES Continue ReadingINSPIRE Awardees for the year 2011-12.
Implementation of INSPIRE award under the sub theme “Scheme for Early Attraction of Talent for Science” for the year 2012-13. DOWNLOAD INSPIRE AWARD PROPOSAL Continue ReadingImplementation of INSPIRE award under the sub theme “Scheme for Early Attraction of Talent for Science” for the year 2012-13.
Final Seniority List of all the Graduate Teachers (Science/Arts/Hindi/Home Science) of both Original and Converted Groups, who were appointed on or before 02/12/1987. DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION Continue ReadingFinal Seniority List of all the Graduate Teachers (Science/Arts/Hindi/Home Science) of both Original and Converted Groups, who were appointed on or before 02/12/1987.
Tentative Seniority List of U.D.C. of Department of Education(S). DOWNLOAD NOTIFICATION Continue ReadingTentative Seniority List of U.D.C. of Department of Education(S).