“INSPIRE AWRAD” i.e. “Innovation for Science Pursuit for Inspired Research” N O T I F I C A T I O N Continue Reading“INSPIRE AWRAD” i.e. “Innovation for Science Pursuit for Inspired Research”
List of Graduate Teachers qualified for promotion (Subject wise) to the post of Lecturer of Govt. Hr. Sec. Schools (both Original and Converted Group) N O T I F I C A T I O N Continue ReadingList of Graduate Teachers qualified for promotion (Subject wise) to the post of Lecturer of Govt. Hr. Sec. Schools (both Original and Converted Group)
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 4th June, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 4th June, 2011.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 3rd June, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 3rd June, 2011.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 2nd June, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 2nd June, 2011.
Notification regarding Purchase of Books. N O T I F I C A T I O N Continue ReadingNotification regarding Purchase of Books.
NOTICE regarding the Collection of Admit Cards (Entrance Examination) for RIMC, Dehradun, 2012. N O T I C E Continue ReadingNOTICE regarding the Collection of Admit Cards (Entrance Examination) for RIMC, Dehradun, 2012.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 2nd May, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 2nd May, 2011.
Tentative List of Lecturers Qualified for Promotion to the Post of Vice-Principal of Govt. Hr. Sec. Schools. N O T I F I C A T I O N Continue ReadingTentative List of Lecturers Qualified for Promotion to the Post of Vice-Principal of Govt. Hr. Sec. Schools.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 16th April, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 16th April, 2011.