Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 2nd July, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 2nd July, 2011.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 1st July, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 1st July, 2011.
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Notification regarding the Verification of Service. N O T I F I C A T I O N Continue ReadingNotification regarding the Verification of Service.
Notification for Advertisment of RIMC Entrance Exam. for December, 2011. NOTIFICATION Continue ReadingNotification for Advertisment of RIMC Entrance Exam. for December, 2011.
Post Extension of Directorate of Education (S), 2011-12. O R D E R S Continue ReadingPost Extension of Directorate of Education (S), 2011-12.
Orders regarding the Verification of Service. O R D E R S Continue ReadingOrders regarding the Verification of Service.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 18th June, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 18th June, 2011.
Transfer and Posting of Teachers on 17th June, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Teachers on 17th June, 2011.
Transfer and Posting of Principal/ Lecturers on 7th June, 2011. O R D E R S Continue ReadingTransfer and Posting of Principal/ Lecturers on 7th June, 2011.